Corporations globally are now becoming more aware of the New Age Corporate Consciousness that leads to more socially responsible, environmentally sound, spiritually intelligent and purpose — driven business. Every successful organization is built around passionate hard — working people who deliver great services and built your product to life. And since your company is people centred, you need to create a leadership culture that allows your people to do their best work for the organization with prosperity, peace and happiness for themselves.

A recent study in Psychology Today reported that,

“60% of employees are miserable — not because of low pay, poor workplace benefits, or insufficient vacation days — but because they don’t feel connected at work.”

Embracing and investing in such a conscious leadership culture will allow your employees to feel empowered and deeply connected with the company’s intrinsic purpose (beyond profit).

Through CORPORATE YOGI program, Vishal shares his remarkable gift of providing breakthrough insights, revolutionary tools and powerful systems that drive real business value and dramatic personal results even in turbulent times. The program is designed to create a Corporate Consciousness that will enable the employees to:

  • Increase mental strength and physical energy for peak performance
  • Heal negative and sub conscious emotions leading to cohesive and resilient teams
  • Develop new management skills and leadership behaviours
  • Cultivate Self-awareness process increasing spiritual intelligence
  • Create an extraordinary professional and personal life
  • Meditate and develop inner Peace resulting into everlasting health and happiness

Our programs deliver sustained results, impact and measurable return on your training investment.

Soul Power Leadership

— Unlock Your Greatness, Be a New Age Leader

While most leadership programs are skills-based, focusing on the mechanics of setting goals, negotiation skills and motivating people, “Soul Power Leadership” focuses on personal awareness and understanding of the spiritual laws of consciousness as the foundation for effective leadership. This is the kind of leadership program that trains people for the “wisdom economy,” which values social justice and sustainability.

Initially, leadership was all about IQ that was thought to be supreme-the cognitive and rational intelligence. Then came the concept of emotional intelligence (EITEQ) during mid-1990s. It was understood that our emotions & those of others and how to manage them were even more important. And lately, we have added a new dimension to human intelligence- the Spiritual Intelligence (SI/SQ).

SI/SQ, the ultimate intelligence is all about holistic approach to life: the wholesomeness, self-awareness, compassion, creativity, ability to think, ability to reason out and all of this together. Human beings are different from animals and computers because of S. Animals can have EQ and computers can have IQ but they won’t have SQ.

Drawing on neuroscience and eastern philosophy, Vishal’s distinctive approach to leadership development, offers deep insights into group dynamics, loyalty, creativity, vision, security and achievement. You’ll come away with a clearly articulated vision of your role as a leader along with practical ideas and tools for achieving excellence within your organization while inspiring others to do so as well. Some more key benefits:

  • I Increase your EQ & SQ to lead a WHOLSOME & MEANINGFUL life
  • I Become an effective leader on a practical level
  • I Make a significant difference in your organization
  • I Draw upon intuition and creativity to fulfil fundamental human needs
  • Master the entire hierarchy of group needs, from survival & achievement to vision & excellence
  • I Manage stress, enhance your wellbeing & maintain high energy
  • Significantly improve the quality of your life and that of others