Maitreya Mentorship

Journey of Living the Enlightenment

We need to translate our inner soul power into physical reality faster than before.
(This is indeed a great blessing for us to be the chosen ones)

Ascended Masters, Deities, Angels, Multi-Dimensional Beings are providing all the energies, guidance, light and power.

You have all committed to the highest level of Enlightenment and joined PARAMHANS.

In view of deeper integration and living our soul’s mission of Spiritual evolution on Earth, we offer along with PARAMHANS, to be part of


  • 12 weeks (6 sessions) practical mentoring course to guide the freshers on Spiritual Path via AWAKENING COURSE.
  • Six sessions on mentoring every alternate Thursdays from 9.30 pm (IST).
  • You will be senior buddy for Awakening Redefined Batch.

Feels elated! Yes…

Maitreya Mentors

  • 6 Mentoring Sessions with Vishal Avtaar

  • Revisional Participation in 15 Weeks Course Awakening Redefined where you will act as Maitreya Mentor.

From next Awakening Batch and thereafter, you will be a mentor and will receive an honorarium stipend for Mentoring AWAKENING and PARAMHANS.